Cambridge Applied Technology has released two Greenfinger
programs to aid the amateur gardener on those long,
cold winter days when practical gardening is impossible.
One is the Garden Plant Selector and the second a
Garden Layout Planner.
Both are reasonably user-friendly. The Plant Selector
shows yellow text on a blue background prompt and offers
two options — either information on individual plants or, better
still, advice on which plants thrive best in any given site in
your garden.
The choice of plant type is broad and includes border
plants, cacti and succulents, climbers, indoor plants, rock
garden plants and shrubs and trees.
Whichever option is selected the data master file cassette has
to be loaded and a change of message and colour indicates if
this is proceeding. Unfortunately it will not tolerate simple errors
like lack of spaces between words, misspellings or extra
spaces between words.
The individual option selects your plant and gives details of
flowers and foliage and what sunlight, moisture and soil-type
are needed as well as hardiness, eventual height and means of
No Latin names are used, probably because of memory
shortage. Perhaps instead the common names could have been
included in the documentation since they are so variable and
then the Latin alternatives could have been used in the program.
Also no metric measurements are included.
The search option offers a very limited plant choice. Here
again, perhaps indoor plants could have been omitted to
admit more outdoor types and perhaps include trees.
Based on the garden situation chosen plants are selected but
since there are no accurate limits of rainfall this is not always as
successful as it should be.
Documentation for Plant Selector includes good running
instructions and a plant common name index. Perhaps
more detailed cultural instructions could have been included.
The Layout Planner uses the same successful screen layout as
the Selector. It allows old layouts to be reviewed and
revised as well as producing new ones.
Both programs could be extremely useful educationally
in teaching the application of the BBC Micro in computer model
ling and design. At £12.95 each they represent good value for