
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Tymac
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Computer & Video Games #43


The great white wizard Gandalf leaps from the pages of The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings to take part in a small skirmish with an evil bunch of Lizard men who are about to make off with some of his best apprentices. Tymac have come up with a novel adventure style shoot-'em-up in which you control Gandalf and his deadly spells to blast the Lizard men who are attacking your castle.

Hordes of the creepy green things swarm towards you from the forest which surrounds your castle. Blast them with a spell and they turn into gold coins - you can nip out and pick these up if you are brave enough! The Lizard men have a nasty friend in the shape of a poisonous spider who snakes into the castle and attacks our hero in a particularly nasty fashion.

It's inevitable that the Lizard man eventually get through your defences and drag away an apprentice - though you can follow him in an attempt at rescue.

Gandalf The Sorceror is a two screen game with nice graphics and good sound. A nice change from blasting aliens from beyond the stars. Addictive too!

Other Reviews Of Gandalf The Sorcerer For The Commodore 64

A review by Bryan Skinner (Personal Computer News)

Gandalf The Sorcerer (Tymac)
A review by M.N. (Home Computing Weekly)

Gandalf The Sorcerer (Tymac)
A review by Naresh Daswani (Computer Gamer)