Personal Computer Games

Galactic Trooper

Categories: Review: Software
Author: SNC
Publisher: Romik
Machine: Sinclair ZX81

Published in Personal Computer Games #4

Galactic Trooper

Stopping the aliens from landing on the Earth is hardly an original theme for a computer game, but nevertheless such games keep appearing on the market. Galactic Trooper is the latest 'blast the alien' offering from Romik software.

If you accept the graphic limitations of the ZX81, together with its lack of sound, then Galactic Trooper will offer a fast and skillful invader type of game.

The aliens (letter V's) are deposited in columns, by a very realistic mothership. When a column is full, the V's begin to rain down on your laser base. If you are hit, you lose one of your lives. Not only do you have to avoid the aliens as they fall, you also have to avoid the explosion they make as they hit the ground.

There are three levels of play to the game and, at the highest level, the game does get a little fast. You are so busy concentrating on the falling aliens that you usually get killed by the explosion of one that has already crashed.

If you haven't had your fill of ZX81 space games already then Galactic Trooper is a good game.


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