Personal Computer Games


Categories: Review: Software
Author: Steve Cooke
Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Personal Computer Games #12


This is a version of Time Pilot from the arcades. It's definitely above average for the Dragon, but I had one or two reservations.

Firing and flying in only eight directions was a bit limiting, and I found the display rather hard on the eyes after only a few minutes playing. This is a bit of a drawback because the pace of the game is quite fast and you need a steady eye if you're going to avoid collisions with your opponents.

Your bullets don't go very far either so you have to do a lot of manouevring which adds to the eyestrain and makes the game rather tiring to play. These quibbles apart, however, I reckon I'd load up this cassette pretty frequently.

Steve Cooke

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