Sinclair User

Fun School 2

Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Sinclair User #130

Fun School 2

Fun School 2 is a package of eight different educational games aimed at children under six. The intention is that under the supervision of an adult the child not only learns from the games themselves but also from using the computer.

Snap Shape is the first game, a simple shape recognition routine. Two shapes appear on screen and the child decides if they are the same or not. The second, Find The Mole is probably the best game on the package. Five numbered mole hills are pictured on the screen and the object is to make a guess as to which number hill the mole is in. If wrong, the child is told that the correct number is either bigger or smaller than their guess, and so on.

Among the other games on this title are Write A Letter, which is a program that allows those young fingers to experiment with typing and watching things appear on the screen. The cursor is a teddy bear, so by simply pressing the space bar, the child can see the teddy bear move on screen. These are the best games, but in general all of them will be of useful for young children.

Fun School 2 is a useful educational tool which will provide plenty of challenge for any child of six or under and a good opportunity for a parent or teacher to work wth the child on reading, writing and other skills in a play situation.


One of the best features of Fun School 2 is that the computer sets the level of difficulty by monitoring the child's responses. This is a very well thought out and presented package.