Big K

Fruity Freddy

Publisher: Softspot
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Big K #5

Fruity Freddy

Honesty is the best policy, or that's what they teach in the Boy Scouts. Fruity Freddy wasn't in the Boy Scouts. A quick butchers over the fence for the all clear and it's straight into Mr. Meano's garden after the fruit. We all know that scrumping is a risky business but Mr. Meano's garden is like cuddling sharks. First of all there's the killer bees swarming out of the bee-hive, then the Crazy Crimson Catapillar zips across the garden trying to make dead Freddies. Tread on a seed before it's fully grown and Mr. Meano storms out of his house throwing mega-wobblies fit to bust.

Then there's the sparrow. Since there's no way to be discreet about this, let's be blunt. It dumps on Freddy. To you and I a sparrow dump means a mild case of embarrassment and an urgent need of a handkerchief, but as far as Freddy's concerned it might as well be an elephant. He staggers about in a daze and then drops dead.

All in all, Freddy does a lot of dying. It's a challenging game and, once you get the hang of it, it's great fun.