This new and adventurous software house is going to make a big
mark in BBC software. Not only does it produce arcade quality
games, but they are usually original in concept. This game has
all the ingredients of its previous offerings: superb colour,
fast - almost supersonic! - action and a good humourous storyline
You control Freddy who has decided to steal all the fruit from the
next door garden. He has to wait for the flowers to develop
fruit first. In the meantime, he is assailed by killer bees, crazy
caterpillars, even birds with killer droppings!
If he treads on a plant before fruit have developed the owner
comes out to give him a thrashing. There's more: if the fruit
become overripe its seeds are dispersed and new plants start to
grow making the emptying of the garden more difficult. There is
an insect spray, but I found it wasn't anywhere near full
enough for my needs. Only those very nimble survive to eat
the sweets.
In short, everything you could want from a new game, including
that rare addictive element.