In this game, you have to help your frog to cross a very busy three lane road, a path, a river, and then into one of your 'frogholes'. There are the usual hazards to make things difficult. Vehicles on the road must, of course, be avoided, and so must the ghosts which patrol the path, and the submerged turtles and ships in the river.
To cross the river, the frog must jump onto logs, floating or semi-submerged turtles, and the backs of crocodiles - but beware the heads and noses of these beasts!
There are three frogs per game, and a time limit. There is only one speed, which is perhaps a little slow. You do need to keep your wits about you, however, to build up a high score. The turtles have a nasty habit of quickly submerging just after your frog has landed on them.
A good scoring system is included, featuring a hall of fame. Instructions are given on screen at the start.
A fair game.
The Software Farm is at Craigo Farm, Botany Bay, Tintern, Gwent.