A conversion of the popular Capcom shoot 'em up in which you take on the hordes of Bios. It's all standard fare - pick up the power-ups, defeat all the end-of-level baddies and destroy the final guardian to win the game.
Presentation 88%
Graphics 91%
Sound 79%
Playability 88%
Lastability 82%
Overall 85%
Jaz: Give it a go if you fancy a good blast.
Matt: A brilliant, addictive game.
Jaz: At the time there were practically no horizontally scrolling blasters available for the Megadrive, but the genre has moved on a lot since then. Graphics down to 82%, sound 73%, playability 83%, lastability 74% and overall 79%. It's fun, but there are loads of better games these days.
Rich: Scrolling shoot-'em-ups are ten-a-penny on the Megadrive these days.
Although Forgotten Worlds is still a good laugh, it doesn't compare favourably with the likes of Gynoug, Biohazard or Hellfire.