
Forbidden Forest

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Top Ten
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Zzap #30

Forbidden Forest

This aging US Gold classic has just been given a new lease of life courtesy of the new Top Ten budget label.

The player takes the role of an heroic archer, entering the realm of the Forbidden Forest to do battle with the evil Demogorgon who reigns supreme. VBefore this monumental showdown, the Demorgorgon's minions have to be despatched - these terrors include giant frogs, snakes, skeletons and spiders.

The graphics are unbelievably blocky, but the gameplay is superb - full of blood, guts and gore. A superb soundtrack belts along as the archer cleaves a path through the forest, adding greatly to the atmosphere.

This is definitely a classic - not to be missed.