Flying Feathers

Categories: Review: Software
Author: RG
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Personal Computer Games #6

Flying Feathers

This is another game to make conservationists see red. They'll start off happy enough at the prospect of seeing a game warden protecting his fish stocks.

They'll only get rather upset when they see him decimate the local eagle population to achieve this aim.

As the warden you sit in a rowing boat in the middle of a lake in some charmingly depicted countryside. You control a cross mark on the screen; as the eagles flap down to carry away your fish, you reduce them to red smears with a satisfying blast from your shotgun.

Most people would enjoy playing this game - for a bit. The trouble is there's only one screen and only one kind of attacker. Just making the game harder by unleashing preposterous numbers of ravenous eagles, and making greater demands on your shooting control, doesn't make for a compulsive game.

So I'm afraid that the rather ordinary ratings are going to ruffle a few feathers at Bubble Bus...


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