Flip And Flop

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Statesoft
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Computer & Video Games #36

Flip And Flop

If you thought Q*bert was great but lacked kangaroo appeal, then you will be pleased to learn that a square-hopping game featuring the cute marsupials from down under is now on sale.

Flip And Flop introduces Flip the Kangaroo and Mitch the Monkey - heroes of Statesoft's latest American import.

Statesoft are the latest American games import business to set themselves up in competition with import leaders U.S. Gold.

Flip & Flop

Unlike Q*bert and his pyramid, Flip And Flop uses a jagged, crossword puzzle-like play board with staircases connecting different levels.

Flip has to jump onto each flashing white square as they flash and then colour in each other square after the flashers have been seen to - all before the timer runs out.

If Flip completes his mission, it is Mitch's turn and the play board turns upside down. Mitch has the tricky job of swinging from square to square and up and down the ladders to change the colours, as well as racing against the clock like Flip before him.

In subsequent screens, certain nasties are introduced who try to catch Mitch and Flip and take them back to the zoo. The zookeeper chases after Flip and sends his net bounding after Mitch on screen two.

Q*bert fans will enjoy Flip And Flop. It takes the basic idea of the game a stage further and adds lots of entertaining features.

A word of warning, though - it's got one of those maddening jingles that will have you reaching for the volume knob every time you play.

Other Reviews Of Flip And Flop For The Commodore 64

Flip And Flop (State Soft)
A review by A.W. (Home Computing Weekly)

Flip And Flop (State Soft)
A review by Richard Patey (Personal Computer Games)

Flip And Flop (Statesoft)
A review