Ferrari Formula One

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer & Video Games #102

Ferrari Formula One

When we reviewed this on the Amiga way, way back, we absolutely raved about it. Now it's been released on the C64 and, well...

The object of Ferrari Formula One is simply to get yourself, your car and your team through a tough motor racing season, visiting all the classic coursses such as Monaco, Hockenheim and our own Brands Hatch. This being a simulation rather than just a burn around the circuit, you get the opportunity to fiddle about with the insides of your motor before the race, tuning it to maximum efficiency and then sticking it in the wind tunnel to test those aerodynamics.

Other mags have been going ape over C64 FF1, but they obviously have a different version to the one we received - it's absolutely abysmal.

Ferrari Formula One

The game seems rather neat until you get to the actual race, and this is where the whole thing collapses. Slow isn't the word for Ferrari Formula One; I'm not joking when I say that the game runs at a rate of less than three frames per second. Graphically, it's fine, but who wants to play a game which looks lovely but plays like a dead fish in a vat of Blue Circle cement?

Not I.


What could have been a pretty decent C64 version of a classic racing game turns out to be a pitifully slow waste of time. Avoid at all costs.

Other Reviews Of Ferrari Formula One For The Commodore 64/128

Ferrari Formula One (Electronic Arts)
A review