Mean Machines Sega

Fastest One

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Nitsibutsu
Machine: Sega Mega Drive (JP Version)

Published in Mean Machines Sega #1

Fastest One

Let's make no bones about it, Fastest One is the biggest pile o' cack yet to materialise in cartridge form. Basically, the game is a split-screen one or two-player racing game, once again using the Formula One cars. The game completely fails to deliver on every count.

The graphics are incredibly awful. The 3D update is jerky and unconvincing and the accompanying "sound" is almost bronchial in its wheeziness.

If it was fun to play, this could be forgiven, but it isn't at all. The controls are unresponsive and unrealistic and the racing action is about as exciting and satisfying as smashing your head against the wall.

Even the two-player mode doesn't help to save this god awful game.