Blast Annual


Author: George Bachaelor
Publisher: N I
Machine: MSX

Published in Blast Annual 2020 Volume 1


MSX programer N.I created Farm an 8k ROM game made in about 3 days. It runs on all MSX machines and requires 16K RAM or more to run. While the game graphically looks written in BASIC it was coded in assembly. It was inspired by Conway's Game of Life.

This keyboard basher is quite an addictive game. Incredibly simplistic but very fast paced and highly entertaining with the main goal of keeping the insects alive. As the insects follow a purple bud around the screen if it eats it then it will grow until it becomes a stone. You must control a cursor with the arrow keys and press space to remove stones as well as using space to hit the insects to limit their growth spurts. When all the insects have died, the game is over. What's great about this game is that anyone can download it free or if you like play it online at:

George Bachaelor

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