F-29 Retaliator

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Ocean
Machine: Atari ST

Published in Computer & Video Games #105

F-29 Retaliator

Ocean's much-vaunted future flight simulation finally makes it to the Atari ST - and was it worth the wait? Um, we-e-ell... Nearly. You'll be glad to hear that the 3D graphics are as spectacular as they were on the Amiga (and the introductory screens are just as rough - what an ugly pilot!), but judging by the clumsy presentation and bizarre gameplay idiosyncrasies, it seems the game was rushed through the final stages of production.

By idiosyncrasies I mean enemy planes destroying you three seconds into the mission (before you've even taken off!), particularly delicate landing gear and wheel brakes, and very vague collision detection (fly within 20 feet of a structure and you're dead).

The manuals and presentation screens are woefully inadequate and compare badly with the likes of LHX Attack Chopper or any recent Microprose flight sims.

Atari ST

Great to look at, but if you're expecting the most realistic or playable flight simulator ever, you may be disappointed.