Gumboot Software


Publisher: Momentum
Machine: Colour Genie

Published in Chewing Gum 8409

Exile is the first in a promised series of adventures from Momentum Software. It comes with an excellent booklet which will be of great use to a novice at adventuring. However, it is up to Quest standards (except a little slower!), and so experts will find it a real challenge. It occupies most of the 32K memory and so there are plenty of words and locations.

The task in hand is to return home from a strange land where you have been exiled. There is a help feature and a score, but you cannot save a game. However, if you are killed then you have a chance to be reincarnated. Which is just as well, as you practically have to commit suicide to get out of the first location.

Not having had much time to wade into the game, I can only say that it seems extensive and very playable. There are plenty of amusing replies in certain situation (try EXAMINEing the MAN, for example!). All in all, it seems to be a good adventure up to Quest quality.