Evil Dead

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Palace
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Computer & Video Games #35

Evil Dead

"Welcome to the tragic tale of the Evil Dead". So says the blurb on the intro screen of this brand new game from a brand new company, Palace Software. It's also the first game from programmer, Richard Leinfeller.

Most of you will have heard about the low-budget horror movie which spawned this game. The Evil Dead has since gathered a cult following — and, if you liked the film, you'll probably enjoy taking a look at the computer version.

The story behind the game - and the film – is pretty simple. A bunch of clean-cut American teenagers decide to get away from it all for a few days in the Tennessee woodlands. They end up in a spirit-haunted cabin being transformed into horrible green mutants! What a way to spend a weekend!

The Evil Dead

Your task in the game is to help the main character, a young chap called Ashley, kill off the green mutants and destroy the curse of the Evil. Dead.

You also have to stop the spirit of the Evil Dead breaking into your country retreat and transforming your four buddies, Cheryl, Linda, Scott and Shelly, into Ashley-eating monsters by shutting doors and windows as you patrol the house.

Ashley can pick up weapons which appear at random around the house. These will help him fight of the monster mutants. But keep an eye on your energy levels – kill one mutant too many and you lose a life.

You can boost your energy levels by finding the sword which appears from time to time and killing as many mutants as you can before it disappears.

Score enough points and the Book of the Evil Dead appears. Collect it and drop it into the fire in the main room and the curse is ended - until you start all over again that is!

A fair amount of strategy is involved in this game. You have to know which windows to close, which doors to open or leave shut, and which weapons to pick up. The screen scrolls from room to room quite smoothly and the sound effects for Ashley's feverish footsteps are good. I liked the sounds for the slamming doors and windows too.

Overall a very playable game — and well worth trying to win in C&VG's great Evil Dead competition on page 12.

Other Reviews Of The Evil Dead For The Commodore 64

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