Enigma is advertised as "a new type of computer
game" based around a pack of cards. At the start
you select which one of five rules to play by, and
then determine the nature of this rule by playing
the game.
Quite simply, you or the computer select a
"start card". As the cards are played, the computer
will inform you whether it has been accepted or
rejected according to the rule in use, and
presumably its relationship to the start card.
Presumably because, during two days, I failed to
discover any of the rules.
The only complaint I had about the mechanics was
that the order in which the cards were selected
and whether they were accepted had to be written
on a piece of paper and analysed later. It would
have been a nie touch if there had been a printer
option to enable the relevant data to be recorded
Should you be the type of mental masochist who can
solve Rubik's cube blindfold with both hands tied
then this is the game for you.