Earth Defence is Arctic's version of Missile Command.
You must defend your cities and missile sites from
destruction by invading nuclear missiles - a very
unpleasant scenario.
The missiles are represented by lines moving down
the screen. You must move your sights and fire in
anticipation of the missile's position.
The game is very difficult to play, even on the
easiest skill level, because there are so many
missiles, and it is hard to judge when to fire. To
add to the difficulty, you only have a limited number
of missiles, so it seems best to limit yourself to
defending one city.
The graphics are fairly uninspiring with the
exception of the explosions. The sound is a good
simulation of white noise. Should you survive the
first attack wave, you are given bonus points for
the number of remaining missiles and undestroyed
cities, and a new attack commences.
There are three levels of play, with one or two
player option. The game also works with the Sinclair
and Kempston joystick interfaces.
I didn't enjoy Earth Defence, but it seems an
adequate version of what is, in my opinion, a poor
arcade game.