Computer Gamer

Dork's Dilemma

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Gremlin
Machine: Commodore 16/Plus 4

Published in Computer Gamer #5

Dork's Dilemma

When the first batch of C16 software arrived, it was mostly conversions of C64 games and, because of this limitation, it was uniformly bad. This 'second' wave however is producing some very good games that have not been seen on other machine - Dork's Dilemma is one such game.

The objective is to collect pieces of jigsaw puzzle which are contained within force fields about the 'planet'. Each force field has a small guard attached to it and these must all be wiped out before the field collapses and frees the piece.

Dork has one weapon with which to eradicate the guards. That is the ability to drop bombs. The bombs are fitted with short fuses so when a bomb has been dropped, Dork must get clear rapidly. Thus, the game becomes one of trying to wipe out as many guards as possible with one bomb. Once a piece has been obtained, Dork can leave the screen via exits that are found on the edge of the screen he then ends up on a new screen with more guards and another piece to get!

During the game, Dork can edit the jigsaw by pressing Escape and using the joystick to move pieces around. If a piece shows white then it is in the correct place, if black it's not.

The graphics are average for the C16 as is the sound, the game itself though is rather original and well worth the investment.

Other Reviews Of Dork's Dilemma For The Commodore 16/Plus 4

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Dork's Dilemma (Gremlin)
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