Donkey Kong Jnr.

Publisher: CBS Electronics
Machine: Coleco Vision Games System

Published in Computer & Video Games #25

Donkey Kong Jnr.

Deep in the video game jungle, Donkey Kong Junior is out to rescue his big daddy - captured by mean old Mario!

For those of you who haven't stumbled across this game in the arcades, it's the sequel to Donkey Kong - and this conversion for the Coleco is a really close copy of the arcade original.

Junior has to travel from screen to screen grabbing keys to Papa Kong's cage. But Mario keeps pushing the cage away just when Junior is about to save his dad.

Donkey Kong Jr.

Once all the keys are in the locks Mario annoyingly sneaks away with Papa Kong once again - and Junior moves on to the final and most elaborate screen of the game. This screen includes a high powered jump board, moving platforms, chains and those nasty Nitpickers!

Little Kong has a few weapons to help him - but you'll have to play the game to find out what they are.

Once you've mastered these three screens the game goes back to screen one and the action gets faster and wilder!

I found the game exciting and challenging. This version is for one or two players and has four skill levels. Coleco's Donkey Kong Junior based on the original made by Nintendo is available at £29.99.

A challenging new addition to the Coleco range. Worth taking a look at.