In Digger (Visions) your only
defence against nasties which
invade your allotment is a pump.
This prods the nasty, causing it
to expand until it explodes.
If you only pump it a couple
of times then the invader is only
temporarily stunned, making a
pip noise on recovering.
A more subtle way of killing
one is to mine underneath one of
several rocks on each screen,
dash out of the way, and pray
that it falls on a passing nasty.
The screen is neatly presented
with score and number of lives
left. Below is the allotment
viewed from the side so that you
can see the soil underground.
The occasional fruit or veget
able appears, yielding a bonus if
Animation is smooth,
although with many nasties on
the screen it can get a little jerky.
The detail of the characters is
A fun game that would be
appreciated by the keyboard
basher who thinks there's more
to life than Space Invaders.