The Strategic Defence Initiative has become a reality: Man is now protected against himself by an
all-encompassing system of laser-bearing satellites.
Peace reigned until the arrival of a hostile alien force who have taken the system and are using it
to threaten the very existence of Mankind.
In an attempt to defeat the aliens, a single Eagle class E751
freighter fitted with a standard Federation laser has been sent
against the aggressors. The aim: annihilation!
The main screen places the Eagle in orbit above the Earth,
which slowly turns showing the land-masses beneath - an
unnecessary but pleasant effect.
A necessary but unpleasant effect is the alien attack waves which
whizz past at tremendous speed; blasting them is more a matter of
luck than skill. In fact the Eagle can be placed to one side of the screen
and left on auto-fire, which proves quite effective for most of the time.
This Ouicksilva re-release on the Bug-Byte label is a poor substitute
for a computer game.