I must confess to not having seen any other darts programs
for the Spectrum, so I can't make a comparison. This offering
features the standard Sinclair character set in a Basic
program with machine code-driven graphics. The
instruction/practice module load first. A monochrome dart
board is drawn over almost the whole of the screen.
A small graphic person appears bottom left with a
moving arm. By pushing the space bar, you stop the arm for
vertical aim, then repeat the process for horizontal. That being
done, a dart appears from the centre of the screen, describes a classy
arc, then stops in the board. Your score appears, and your total is
revised. Learning to get double top is fairly easy, but in order to
finish, you have to be good all round the board, and that takes some
When your aim is good enough, it's time to load the main
program, which gives you the opportunity to play championship
darts from 501 or 301, round the board, or killer darts. Up to
four people can play.
Surprisingly, the computer doesn't play against you, so practice is
all you get alone! Graphically, this isn't very sophisticated either;
many £1.99 games are better presented. On the other hand, the price
is relatively modest, and it's one of the few new releases which will
run on a 16K Spectrum too. Overall, worthwhile if you and your friends
insist on darts without a dart board. Otherwise, perhaps a shade