Whether you're novice or a chess expect, you'll enjoy this
excellent tape. Side A is for the 16K and Side B 48K, with few
more features. There are eight playing levels or strengths plus
three problem levels.
Very simple to use cursor operation takes care of moving
pieces, and even gives you a chance to change your mind or
take back a move. When making an incorrect move, an illegal sign
will be displayed and also a buzz.
Along with the tape, you will receive a very comprehensive
user manual.
When learning you can opt for a demonstration game, where the
Spectrum makes all moves. On the 48K version, extra features
include altering the colours, getting a printout of the game in
progress or completed, and saving the game on tape.
The problem levels allow you to instruct the computer to look
for a mate in one, two or three moves, according to the level set,
or find by analysis that this is impossible.
The problem levels allow you to instruct the computer to look for a mate in one, two or three moves, according to the level set, or find by analysis that this is impossible.
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