Big K


Publisher: Anirog
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #4


I have a beef with Cybotron. I may not always smite the sprites like a spray out of Hell, but this time I'm putting the blame solidly on the game. Allow me to explain. The world has been taken over by robots who are intent on eliminating all mankind.

It is your task to kill the robots before they kill you. But here lies a problem, for as soon as you make your screen debut you are surrounded by robots. As you can only fire in the direction of travel, it is impossible to survive for very long.

The game took what seemed like an eternity to begin each time. Then to cap it all, I had to deal with "Fred Bloggs rules" written at the top of the starting screen every time.

I concede that the graphics were fairly handsome, but the soundage was as sweet as the sound of a rusty tin car being opened by human teeth.