
Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Computer & Video Games #28


Searching a derelict castle for treasures is brought up-to-date with this program.

Before entering each level of the castle, you are told which treasures you must look for and you then wander round the sixteen rooms in search of them. As you pass over the treasure, if will appear at the bottom of the screen to remind you that it has been found.

Once you have all the loot, you then have to find the room with the safe in it. Touching the safe will lock away all the treasure and you are then moved up to the next level.

Cybertron Mission

Obviously in such a game there will be enemies after your blood. On level one, says the inlay card, your only adversaries are the Spinners. Personally, I can't see what's wrong with them. (Did you see their Christmas show?) On higher levels, you are also pestered by Clones and Cyber droids. These have more person-seeking intelligence and can also fire pretty fast!

Control is via the keyboard or joystick, but the keys were not laid out too well. A and Z move up and down while "," and "." move left and right. The M key is used to fire, which I found to be too close to left and right. A joystick would have solved this problem. Furthermore, the break and escape keys are not disabled, as I managed to crash the program by pressing them.

Trying to re-run the program I typed OLD. I was amazed to find that my job was then made unnecessary, as the program reviewed itself. Up came the words "Bad Program"! To be fair though, the game is quite well written. I enjoyed playing it, but I don't think that I'd come back to it too often.

Cybertron Mission runs on a BBC B and comes from Program Power. It'll cost you £7.95.