Big K

Country Cottages

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Sterling
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #11

Country Cottages

One for budding rural Rachmans - two players buy and rent cottages, racing towards a pre-set total assets figure, the size of which is used to determine the length of the game.

There are nine rather unnecessarily difficulty levels which increase the hazards; fires, ghosts, moonlighters, damage, burglaries and all the things that make being a landlord so, um, interesting.

You start with nothing but a 12% interest bank loan facility and a clever, if rather irrelevant, landscaping system throws up a seemingly endless variety of available properties with price, condition and comments.

In theory you can own up to four, but your bank manager limits your spending power. Once you have a cottage, you advertise for tenants - but set the rent too high and you get no response.

Similarly you can raise rents but you risk losing the tenants. Mostly single-key operated, the game runs very smoothly and the bookkeeping is very slick. But my word, what a fly-by-night lot the tenants are! Constantly moving out and breaking the place up! It's not all gravy, this landlording lark. A bit limited in that you have very few, and often no, options, but fun and original.

Other Reviews Of Country Cottages For The Spectrum 48K

Country Cottages (Sterling)
A review by (Crash)

Country Cottages (Sterling)
A review by B.B. (Home Computing Weekly)

Country Cottages (Sterling)
A review by Steve Spittle (Personal Computer Games)