Personal Computer Games


Categories: Review: Software
Author: PC
Publisher: Paramount
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Personal Computer Games #7


This is one of those games which cast the player in the role of saviour of humanity. If you don't like people, you probably won't be able to enter into the spirit of the thing.

The problem is this bomb which some loony scientist has planted in the sewers beneath the city. Now he's holding the government to an unspecified ransom. Naturally, your task is to defuse this explosive device. But at the moment you are imprisoned in the crazy boffin's house. To get to the bomb you have to escape from the house, fight your way through the jungle and get down to the bottom of the slimy sewers.

First screen is the house, a red-brick maze on a pink background. Starting in the bottom right-hand corner you have to work your way to the exit at the top.


You must pick up keys to get through the gates and try to avoid the various electrified security devices. On the way you can also collect treasure for bonus points, although this seems a trifle distracting when the lives of so many people are at stake.

The next stage is the jungle, represented by four big red trees. Dangers here are falling purple coconuts and man-eating plants. To get the necessary key you shin up the squiggly green ropes to the tree tops.

The final screen is the sewers, built in deep blue brick. Here the only obstacles are poisonous green tendrils. Avoiding these you collect four keys and duly go on to save the human race.

The graphics in this game are colourful enough, but are much too fuzzy to be of great interest. Sound is quite good with suitably loud and shocking electrical noises. The real problem is that the game is just far too easy.


Other Reviews Of Countdown For The Commodore Vic 20

A review by Mike Gerrard (Personal Computer News)

Countdown (Paramount)
A review by B.J. (Home Computing Weekly)

Countdown (Paramount)
A review

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