On loading this program I was greeted by the makers' names and
logos followed by the chimpanzee mascot. Once completely loaded,
I was offered a choice between +, - or + and -. Always one to
live dangerously, I took the + and - option.
A number of fish, hens, crocodiles or telephones (telephones?
to allow elephants to make trunk calls?) slide into a central box.
To the right of the box is a banana tree with a monkey at the
bottom. A curt instruction "MAKE (No.)" appears and an incomplete
sum is shown at the bottom (e.g. 4 + ? = 9).
A correct answer receives a tick, a little tune, and the monkey
climbs a little nearer to his banana breakfast. A wrong answer
prompts for retry and, if still wrong, then the correct answer
is given.
A fair idea, reasonably well done, graphics are good, animation
adequate, and sound is used sparingly. This a drill/practice
program of the type which other companies have done better and
more cheaply.
Probably intended for pre-school, infants or lower junior school
children who would benefit more from experience with "real" objects.