ZX Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Incentive
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in ZX Computing #20


This is the most annoyingly addictive game we tried in this batch of programs! OK, so it doesn't have state of the art graphics, speech, prizes, or any other worthy selling point, but it deserves a place in the charts for its sheer ingenuity and compulsive playability. I dare not load it in because it means the end of any work for a few hours.

The idea on which it is based is a very old one, the sliding block puzzle, the twist is the movement within the block and the all too short time in which to find a solution. You have a grid of blocks, the number and shape depends on the skill level, in which a track along which a spark constantly travels. By moving the blocks to create new track paths you have to guide the spark to the confuzion bombs at the sides of the screen before they explode.

On some of the 64 screens there is also the added hazard of water drops travelling along the tracks, contact means loss of a spark. A wide variety of options and a well balanced playing level makes it easy to start playing and difficult to stop.

In print it may not sound particularly interesting, but I urge you to try it for yourself at your nearest dealer.

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