Gumboot Software

Colour Kong

Publisher: TCS (Trommeschleger Computer Studio)
Machine: Colour Genie

Published in Chewing Gum 8409

Most members will be aware that Algray have already got a Kong for the Colour Genie, so you may be interested to know how this TCS version compares.

Like the Algray one, Colour Kong is in machine code and is a good version. The most obvious difference is that this one is on the FGR screen which makes it less colourful. However, though limited to just three colours, Colour Kong is smoother and easier to get on with. A major criticism of Algray Kong is that on certain floors you can only succeed in reaching the top if you time your jumps at very specific points. Colour Kong seems to be more logical as you can reach the top in a variety of ways.

I shall not go into vast detail on how to play the game as it is well known in the arcades. Briefly, you must rescue a fair maiden (or a Scotsman if you are a female player) from Kong's embrace at the top of a skyscraper. You do this by climbing to the top of four different screens. This involves climbing ladders, jumping onto elevators and avoiding various hazards such as fireballs and bouncing springs.

It is a very good game with quality graphics and sound which will provide lots of fun (and frustration). Its only flaw, in my opinion, is that it uses the / key rather than the Space bar to jump. This takes a little getting used to - but does not really mar what is otherwise an excellent program. It runs on any Colour Genie.