ZX Computing

Code Slicer 2

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Foraits
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in ZX Computing #27

Code Slicer 2

The last I heard from this company was their Kwickload program and they seem too intent on continuing to supply specialist utility software.

I remember being incensed by the difficulty of transferring software to the microdrive system and indeed to many of the disk and fast storage media which have passed through my grubby little hands.

Foraits have produced this set of utilities to help determined users to make such transfers. I gave up ages ago!

It is no good buying this program and thinking that all your problems are over, in fact most of the work still have to be done by you and often by trial and error. What this suite of programs and the accompanying booklet does do is provide suggestions and utilities to make the job a little easier.

So armed with Code Slicer 2 and a copy of a program I deemed "not too difficult" to transfer I got out the microdrive and IF1 and sat down. Four hours later, after much sweat and expletives, I had effected a working copy on the microdrive.

I must admit that I probably couldn't have done it without Code Slicer 2, and I must also state that inexperienced programmers may well find it beyond them. I must finally admit that I wouldn't really have bothered anyway if I hadn't needed to try out Code Slicer 2 and probably won't use it again.

So what can I say? Code Slicer 2 is very useful to the determined experienced programmer who wants to transfer his copy of "Zap the Aliens" to microdrive/disk at all costs but beyond that its applications are limited.