CHUCKIE EGG for the 48K Spectrum presents yet another variation on the Donkey Kong theme. here the object is to negotiate a system of platforms and ladders, picking up eggs and corn on each level while pursued by giant ducks.
It is surprising that the ducks give you less concern than the ladders. Whether intentionally or not, the game makes it difficult to get on or off the ladders unless you are in the proper position. The slightest touch on the key might make you over-shoot your target and, as the ducks approach, you will find yourself unable to move out of the way.
The game also offers a jump facility but judging your leaps accurately is no easier than climbing the ladders. Nor is it any use thinking you can wait for the ducks to cruise past you because you are playing against the clock and might run out of time.
Each level presents new challenges, such as bigger gaps in the platforms on level two, and moving lifts on which you must try to jump on level three. Fortunately you have three lives on each level, which obviates the need to return to the beginning again each time you are mauled by a duck.
Even though the difficulty of using the ladders as an escape route slows the game considerably, Chuckle Egg manages to be highly addictive and has appealing graphics and sound. It is produced by A & F Software, 830 Hyde Road, Gorton, Manchester M18 7JD, and costs £6.90.