Get this if you do not know the first thing about chess and you wish to learn.
To give you an idea of how comprehensive it is, both sides are used. Starting
with the positions of all the pieces, demonstrations are given of moves each can
make. Even pawn moves are covered thoroughly, including en passant and promotion.
At every stage you can participate in exercises, and you will be shown the solution
should you make a wrong move.
From the beginning you are taught about rank and file, and the correct notation for
recording moves. The basic tactics are well covered, with plenty of exercises. In
particular, two exercises from the section dealing with knights will occupy you
for quite a while. The first involves the capture of so many pawns in a certain
number of moves. The second is the knights' grand tour: you have to move to every
square, only one visit per square, and finish on the start square.
Very well thought out and well presented. The almost mandatory booklet from Sinclair
tells you little about the program, but all the instructions are on screen. Highly