Chase H.Q.

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Sega
Machine: Sega Master System (EU Version)

Published in Computer & Video Games #103

Chase H.Q.

It's here at last! The official Sega conversion of Chase H.Q., Taito's brilliant crash 'n burn police chase coin-op.

The object is simple: a group of villains are escaping the city in various fast sports cars and you've got to chase after them in your well cool black Porsche and smash them off the road before they reach the safety of the State Line.

The action is played against the clock - first of all you have to catch up with the villain, and once he's in your sights extra time is added and the fun really starts. What you've got to do is repeatedly smash into him and damage his car enough to force him off the road. A damage meter at the side of the screen shows how much of a demolition job you're doing - fill it up completely and the crook is forced to give up. However, failure to do that before the time expires results in the villain escaping and the end of the game...

Chase H.Q.

When you've finally smashed the felon off the highway and arrested him, it's off to chase after the next baddie - and he's escaping in an even faster car!


First impressions of Chase H.Q. aren't very good. The title screen and introductory sequence look great, but aren't matched by the in-game graphics - the main car sprite is a bit squashed and there are hardly any roadside obstacles.

However, once you start playing, the negative feeling goes out of the window - the fast and addictive action of the game itself more than makes up for the graphical deficiencies.

The initial burn up the highway to catch up with the villain is tricky enough, but once he's in your sights the action really hots up and you have to drive like a loony if you're going to smash him off the road!

And it's very satisfying when you do. If you're a fan of the coin-op, or just want to experience the fastest and most enjoyable road rippin' action yet seen on the Sega, chase after this and grab it before it escapes.