Total Game Boy

Cannon Fodder

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Game Boy Color

Published in Total Game Boy Issue 15

"They promised us homes fit for heroes. They gave us heroes fit for homes." Still, eh?

Cannon Fodder

War, as everybody knows, is good for absolutely nothing (Huh, say it again!)! For centuries, power-crazed Generals, members of the upper classes, have sent millions of honest British Tommies over the top as a human shield... cannon fodder for the enemy machine guns. Well, now it's your turn.

Eat Metal!

Cannon Fodder is your chance to send chaps off for death or glory. Well, death or most of them, actually. The others might end up screaming in their wheelchairs, but it's a lot of fun on the way.

If you've never played the classic Commodore Amiga game, you control two soldiers at a time as they are sent in on missions to enemy camps. You point them in the right direction, order them to shoot at will and blow up everything in sight.

Cannon Fodder

Those that don't make it back to base are honourably mentioned in the cemetery records, and the others are saved for the next death-defying raid. The graphics are great, and the game is big.

With cool renders and plenty of opportunities for saves, now is the time to kill or be killed. Speaking as pacifists, we think it's disgusting.


Graphics 100%
Nice and stylish.

Cannon Fodder

Sound 80%

Playability 80%
Samey missions after a while.

Lastability 80%
Win the battle and the war.

Overall 90%
War is wrong... and fun!