Your Sinclair


Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: A 'n F
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #22


Vast problem-solving arcade adventure which didn't make much of an impact when released last year, but may do better on Argus' cheapie label. Really it's the old story of wandering around several screens picking things up and using them in the right way, which then lets you into another labyrinth of screens, and so on. There's not an amazing variety in the graphics, or indeed the gameplay, but it's the sort of game we don't often see any more - large, challenging and complex. Not for zappers, though.

Marcus Berkmann

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  • Arcade Fruit Machine Front Cover
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  • Shadow Skimmer Front Cover
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  • Pub Trivia Simulator Front Cover
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  • Now Games 4 Front Cover
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  • Boulder Dash Front Cover
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  • Street Hassle Front Cover
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  • F-16 Fighting Falcon Front Cover
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  • Combat Lynx Front Cover
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