Big K

Buck Rogers And The Planet Of Zoom

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Coleco
Machine: Coleco Adam

Published in Big K #4

Buck Rogers And The Planet Of Zoom

Disappointing translation of an arcade goody for the Colecovision Adam, which comes in the form of Coleco's high-speed cassette. Basically, it's your actual fly-through-a-trench all over again, along which Buck flies (Well, he doesn't actually fly, more sort of staggers!) while the usual crew of flickering monsters bop around in front of him. Clearing his way through this motley and decidedly unmenacing crew of interstellar plug-uglies, Buck then finds himself in space. Now, strange Saturn-like planets bob and weave and hurtle by in strings. Avoiding these with the usual numbskull piloting, Buck moves into screen three, the surface of the planet dotted with strange duplex towers.

I mean, like, this is boring, you know? Put it this way. For a debut game on an Entire New System On Which Uncounted Hopes Rest, etc, it's a turkey and then some. Although the actual Buckship moves smoothly enough, the trench itself flicks by like one of those optical devices supposed to make you travel-sick, while the objects, planets, towers and so on also jet (there's the word!) through the grid as if written in BASIC.

Put it another way: when they slapped Planet Of Zoom together, the guy who wrote Zaxxon was out to lunch. Literally.

Other Reviews Of Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom For The Coleco Adam

Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom (Coleco)
A review by Tony Takoushi (Personal Computer Games)

Buck Rogers And The Planet Of Zoom (Coleco)
A review