I don't know about you, but I'm getting just a little tired of saving
the universe. This game invites us to do it again, so I prepared myself
for another cosmic challenge.
Somehow the dreaded Galactic Barbarians have discovered a deadly new super-power serum. As bold Brad your job is to destroy the serum before poor
old earth is once again wiped out.
Between fearless Brad and the serum stand no less than five screens of different hostil beasties to blast into oblivion before your eyelids become too heavy. Each screen is a fair copy of an arcade game, but does not hold the attention for long.
Unfortunately, the memory devoted to the length of the mission is at the expense of smooth graphics. The introduction sequence is nice though and, if you are anything of a patriot, it will stir you into action.
The prospect of winning a colour TV makes the game worth playing, even though it lacks sustained addictiveness.