The aim in this one is to arrive home after a night out as drunk as possible. So I'm sure it won't appeal to any readers of Personal Computer Games.
The action starts with Bozo leaving a bar where he's been drinking pints of 'wobble juice'. He emerges onto a handsomely drawn street to discover that a policeman, an old lady, and a yobbish-looking gentleman are after him.
So you must guide him carefully, dodging the company, and also the numerous man-holes which may open at any moment.
As he makes progress, the screen scrolls along the street. If he tires of this, he can nip through a doorway for a dangerous 'shortcut' through a very pretty-looking park, populated by bizarre creatures. I recommend sticking to the street: it's no longer and a lot safer.
Once you reach home, the scene switches to the next night, except that this time you've had five extra pints. Unfortunately, the more Bozo drinks, the harder he is to control. But every time he gets caught he loses from two to five pints, and sobers up a bit.
By the time you reach about 35 pints, a tartish-looking young lady joins those chasing you, followed by pink elephants. At around 47 pints, your control of Bozo breaks down almost completely and he lurches wildly all over the pavement, making further progress nigh impossible.
Bozo's Night Out comes across as a rather simple game. On the other hand, it offers pretty graphics, a different game idea and nice touches of humour.