
Blue Angel 69

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Magic Bytes
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Zzap #58

Blue Angel 69

A beautiful female robot leads you into her labyrinth of sensations. And what do you do when you get there? Play a boardgame, of course!

You alternately choose numbered squares (you from the current horizontal line; she, the vertical) to score points - red squares reduce your score.

When squares are chosen, they flip over to reveal part of a picture of the Blue Angel. If you win you are rewarded with the full picture. On later levels, the pictures get more interesting as the Blue Angel performs a semi-striptease.

Blue Angel 69

Options include a two-player mode, hidden numbers, and three skill levels.


I must admit I don't get very excited at the prospect of seeing a naked robot! Still, Robin and Stu seemed very interested, and even I enjoyed the tactics of this simple-to-learn strategy game, if not the pictures.


While the pictures aren't going to down a storm with feminists, there's nothing here to offend a Sun reader and the robotic element is at least novel.

Blue Angel 69

But the main thing is the game, which is surprisingly good solo, or in two player mode. A bit more variety might've improved value for money, though.

Verdict (Commodore 64)

Presentation 65%
Some good options.

Graphics 70%
Some nice shading!

Blue Angel 69

Sound 5%
None apart from Magic Bytes intro.

Hookability 71%
Lower for girls!

Lastability 61%
Challenging but repetitive.

Blue Angel 69

Overall 65%
Novel gameplay with tacky pictures.

Verdict (Amiga)

Presentation 68%
Nice intro sequence. Good options.

Graphics 70%
Okay pictures.

Blue Angel 69

Sound 42%
Minimal FX and speech.

Hookability 71%
Same as C64.

Lastability 61%
Eventually repetitive.

Overall 65%
Enjoyable strategy.