As if you didn't know, Black Jack is the card game as close to 21 as possible. The computer
plays the part of the dealer and takes care of all the calculations. You start off with 10 chips
and the game continues until you run out of chips or cards remaining is less than nine.
The other game in this pack is a simulation. You simply enter how much you want to bet and
press RETURN. The computer takes care of everything else. There are no options such as nudge,
hold or gamble.
Both these games have respectable graphics considering the limitations of Basic-1 and the
memory restrictions. But these are rather severe restrictions and it shows up in the games. Also,
as the main attraction of gambling games such as these is money, computer simulations, not just
for the M5, very often require absolutely no skill and fail to maintain interest for long. I'm
afraid this games pack is no exception.