A space war game with a maze thrown in for good measure.
The maze is the pathway through scanner rays emitted by
alien spacecraft. As long as you stay on this path you are well
protected from their laser fire, and can pick them off with your
own phaser cannons.
As you hit each alien, however, the scanner ray emitted is
destroyed with it and the maze therefore becomes smaller. You
find yourself having to cross areas where the enemy scans are
stronger and where you will be hit and destroyed.
Full instructions are printed on screen and there is a choice of
keyboard or joystick operation.
There is a speed control for your spaceship and by holding
the direction key or joystick in one position the ship will travel
faster; this speed may be important when you are crossing the
danger zones.
Graphics and colour are used to good effect and the whole programme
is very well thought out. Needs Extended Basic.