Avalon, it transpires, is a hill on an island, and this graphic
adventure game is all about exploring the rooms set into the
hill. The character who you guide throughout the adventure
is your astral projection, Maroc, which floats about in response to
your commands.
Occasionally you may come across a "servant" spell which gives you
control over a sprite. As the name suggests, the servant sprite
assumes a lot of the hard work for you, opening doors, picking up
objects, etc.
Although I haven't been through them all, there are eight
levels, and the eighth level is your ultimate goal. This is where the
Lord of Chaos hides - the real villain of the plot. Once you get
the hang of it, guiding the astral projection is easy, although some
of the doors may be locked, in which case you will need a key.
Of course, various adversaries are waiting to pounce on you,
and deplete your energy level.
If you like graphic adventure games with a challenge, then I
think you will like this.