Astro Chase

Publisher: Atarisoft
Machine: Atari 400/800

Published in Computer & Video Games #25

Astro Chase

Fernando Herara is a name that commands the same respect in American video gaming circles that a well known writer or artist would in the art world. He is something of a maverick - Herera prefers to work for himself selling his games to the highest bidder.

His best known game is now available in the UK on the Parker Brothers label for the Atari 400 and 800. Astro Chase takes the oldest cliche in video games but re-works it splendidly to produce a game of colourful 3D style graphics and challenging gameplay.

The Earth is under attack from the aliens and you are the lone pilot on a mission to clear the space around the planet. An assortment of adversaries have to be dealt with. Chasers are spiker-like craft that can destroy your ship but don't really present much threat to the Earth. Far more deadly are the Megamines which gradually surround the Earth hiding from you behind surrounding planets.

If a Megamine lands on the Earth the planet is blown to bits lighting up the whole universe.

Speed, manoeuvrability, and a quick finger on the trigger are required if you are to successfully defend earth.

When you have destroyed sixteen Megamines you are judged to help save the planet from one attack... But it doesn't take the aliens long to regroup and pretty soon they are back with new more sophisticated ships.

The graphics are the making of Astro Chase. The display at the beginning of the game is impressive. Your little man walks up to his ship, salutes and is then beamed up into his ship before it slowly lifts off. The galaxy is beautifully drawn with the continents and oceans showing up clearly on the earth.

Astro Chase sets new standards for space shoot-'em-ups. One of the best games I've seen for the Atari home computers. In the shops now at £29.99.