April Showers

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bevan Technology
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Computer & Video Games #48

April Showers

Cloud, rain and umbrellas might seem distinctly unpromising as a topic for entertainment, but Bevan Technology has managed to make them seem fun. Well, almost.

April Showers is a peculiar little game that takes time to master - not because it is particularly difficult, but because it takes a while to work out the strategy.

Basically, you are a cloud, and your object in life is to rain on the plant on the ground below you. If you don't, the plant wilts and dies, and you lose a life. The complication is that while you're watering it, you're running out of water yourself, so you have to replenish your supplies. This is done by bumping into other clouds which pass by, which has the added advantage of adding greatly to your score.

The skill required for this game is not immediately apparent, but there is in fact a lot involved - you must chase clouds, zap umbreallas (but not too many!), keep that plant watered, watch your water level and, if you've got the time, catch raindrops. Once the clouds have gone, your days are numbered, and then you've got to decide whether to keep the plant wet or go after the umbrellas in your remaining time. When you've lost three "lives", that's it.

It's an offbeat idea and could keep you amused for quite a while, but in the end the lack of a facility to speed up the rather slow action as you improve is frustrating.

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