Ape Escape

Publisher: Spectravideo
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Computer & Video Games #25

Ape Escape

If you have developed a liking for video game gorillas, you'll be pleased to hear that the big ape has made a reappearance in a new game.

Mario fans will be disappointed though as this game has nothing whatever to do with Italian carpenters and blonde starlets.

The ape is imprisoned on the top of a sky-scraper. Until one of the skies come a squadron of crazy choppers intent on dismantling the building brick by brick to let the beast out. Your job is to blast those choppers and stop the ape.

If he gets out he quickly runs along the ground and bashes your little man with his fist.

The game has several levels - making for a progressively difficult challenge. Level one should not cause any of our readers any problems but by the time you get to number three the action becomes fast and furious.

Added hazards are parachutists who can cripple your man if they land on him - as can falling sections of the building, crashing to the ground from obliterated choppers.

If you do bite the dust the game introduces a cute Andy Capp type character who shuffles on to the screen to sweep up the mess.

Ape Escape is the first of a new range of Vic 20 cartridges from Spectravision - the video game people - and is available from Vulcan Electronics of Hendon. It's in the shops now at a slightly pricey £19.95.