This series of programs was first designed for the over twelves. This latest version is for 6 to 11-year-olds and contains a completely new range of topics. On the cassette are the master program and fifteen files of questions each containing fifty programs on the particular topic.
Topics included on the tape include: nature, music and nursery rhymes, lucky dip, famous people, science, the British Isles, word fun, around the world, brain strainers, games and sport, books and poetry, fun-sums, TV, films and theatre, spelling and take your chance.
The master program not only presents the questions on file but enables the user to create their own files. This is an excellent piece of software for the home and school. It can be modified and expanded to meet the demands of the individual user.
The various options have very clear and specific instructions and can be used by someone not familiar with the inner workings of a computer. They offer a flexibility not often found in such programs. The child user also experiences a well constructed screen format with a variety that continues to stimulate.
All questions are stored in the file with four answers - one answer correct, the others wrong. This enables the computer to present three different types of questions:
Multiple choice - the user presses A, B, C or D.
True or false - one answer appears, the user says whether it is correct or not.
Complete the answer - the user has to fill in the missing letters.
In a fourth option, the computer presents a selection of different types of questions.
If an answer is correct then the user has the opportunity of saving the princess by dropping from the hot air balloon a sandbag to land on top of the dragon.
This encourages children who don't like answering questions alone. My experience has been that the killing of dragons is not necessary but it does not distract from the quiz itself. This is an excellent package and it should find its way into many homes and schools.